as probably noticed in the reading, rhythm and repetition are in a sort of wedlock with one another. this is important to note but can be insulting or boring to abuse in the wrong circumstances. it is an easy thing to do though. we live by rhythms and cycles. the body functions best when in them and often it is the simplest rhythms that do us the most benefit. two of the best examples of this point are sinus rhythm and circadian rhythm. disorders in either one can lead to serious physical and mental crisis and even the dreaded dirt nap.
the most common example of rhythm, and rightly so, has got to be its use in music. i have no dispute with its importance, but the problem is that it tends to get oversimplified. it just becomes so easy, predictable, and cheap to depend on repetition. because it works. we are inclined to fall into it and helplessly pulsate in the echoing thumps blasted out by club subwoofers while drooling decedents are reanimated (sort of) and assault you with steamy libidos and dead eyes. but now this is turning into some clumsy rant and i dont have enough time to really explain what i am getting off on.
ok, from merriam webster's– rhythm: an ordered recurrent alternation of strong and weak elements in the flow of sound and silence in speech.
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