I started my search for free stuff on google. I googled: "free stuff Portland OR" and found a direct link to Craigslist, a free sample website for samples of cereals and other random food products. Then I googled: "Where can I find free stuff in Portland OR?" and found the free classified ads for oregonlive.com. I searched around here and realized that the free objects in the classifieds are far and few between and that this website was promoting the free classified ad itself. So, this wasn't working very well and I started thinking about places that recycle and might give away recycled items for free. I thought of Newseasons first, then Fredmeyer and then for some reason Starbucks popped into my head. I know... ha ha... very funny... Starbucks? recycle? I am not a frequenter of Starbucks but once upon a time I was and I clearly remembered the "grounds for your garden." Around this time of year specifically, most starbucks locations will have a pot by the entry door filled with bags of used coffee grounds. They are free and are supposed to help with your compost. Not only are coffee grounds great for your compost I am sure us artists could find other uses for it too. The first example that comes to my mind is that Pinata we heard of in last class that was filled with soil and decorated with leaves and things. The coffee grounds could certainly double as soil or double the amount of soil you need as a filler. Supposedly worms LOVE this stuff.... it would be really interesting to me to see a sculpture built on the foundation of compost in like a clear tank or something with worms making tracks through it. The idea of something living in a sculpture is really fascinating to me.
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