Greg Wandering Yeti here representing Yeticave Studio including Ascension Conspiracy as the musical arm and Acalavideoraja as the visual. I'm a musician, audio engineer, artist both Martial and Venusian. The martial arts I study are known as internal or "soft" martial arts because power comes from relaxing the muscles and strengthening the tendons to allow Qi to flow smoothly. Hard styles tend to break the body down but with an art like Bagua Quan or Taiji Quan, the main forms I study strength comes from softness and every move has both a healing and hurting application.
Inspired by English guitarist Robert Fripp and his Guitar Craft project as well as the ancient traditions of Asian martial arts I cultivate a connection between the craft of music compostition and performance and the craft of martial arts, my personal gongfu practice. The word gongfu in Chinese doesn't only refer to martial arts but to any discipline that takes time and work to develop mastery. Thus my gongfu is inclusive of all the arts that I practice as part of the overall experimental-research~art-shamanism project Yeticave Studio.
As for 3D objects I mostly work digital these days with a little drawing and painting. My work desk is however a sculpture in and of itself. The image is of the north east corner of my desk where I keep a beeswax candle. When one candle gets to almost done (I can see the metal disk at the bottom of the wick) I stick another candle on top of it while it's still squishy. It represents the sun of my creativity inspired by the Vestal Virgins of Rome who kept a fire constantly lit representing the heart of the empire. This reflects my belief that every man and woman is a star, that each individual is the monarch of hir own cosmos. I maintain my own fire. Chinese medicine calls the heart the body's emperor.
As for why beeswax, bees are what they are and also symbolic of social networks and harmonious societies. As monarchs of our own realities it's positively atavistic to leave upkeep of our own bodyminds to experts and authorities. A harmonious society of humans is a society of deeply self realized individuals, not a mob of automatons. I don't keep it lit all the time, but I continuously keep a live candle in the center of the wax monster. You might be tempted to see this through a lens of superstition, but fire is primal. A room lit only by the light of a burning flame has an effect on consciousness whether you believe in it or not. That's why it's such a powerful symbol to associate with my art.
Groove On
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