Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stuff Finding: IPRC

By: Mike
I just found out about this place from another student in the art program. IPRC stands for Independent Publishing Resource Center. It’s a non-profit organization and offers materials, equipment, and classes if you’re interested in printing just about anything. They specialize with magazine or “zine” printing and have a library of over 6,000 independently made zines. The place is pretty small but if you are into printing your own comics, flyers, catalogs, zines, portfolios, or even a novel you can do it here. They do charge a fee to be part of the organization, but it’s minimal if you use it. The website states that it’s between $45-$100 a year for full access to their equipment, and that includes whatever toner, ink, and paper they have available. They also have computers and graphic software available. I think they offer monthly and hourly rates if you don’t want to sign up for a whole year, but I didn’t see them posted. The information below is taken straight from their website: . I attached the video from their website, check it out.

Independent Publishing Resource CenterPost: 917 SW Oak Street #218 Portland, Oregon 97205 USATel/Fax: 503.827.0249 Email:

The IPRC's open hours are:
Mon 12noon to 10pm
Tue/Wed/Thu 4pm to 10pm
Fri/Sat 12noon to 6pm
Sun 12noon to 5pm (youth only), 5pm to 8pm

The IPRC is one of the only nonprofit self-publishing centers of its kind anywhere in the world. We offer access to workspace and tools to aid in the production and distribution of zines, comics, hand-bound books and artwork. This includes computer workstations for writing, scanning, graphic design & desktop publishing, and high-speed internet access for research and networking purposes; two copiers, five table-top letterpresses, three Gocco printers, a YuDu screenprinter, and various other tools for creating, binding, and assembling publications. We also have two art galleries and one of the nation’s largest circulating zine libraries.

Workspace and equipment is available to any member of the public at either an hourly ($5/hour) or yearly rate (begins at $45-100/year, sliding scale).
The IPRC holds two Orientations a month: second Thursdays from 7-8 pm and third Saturdays from 3-4pm at the Center, 917 SW Oak #218. Prospective users and general public who are interested in the Publishing Center are welcome to attend.

The IPRC offers educational workshops on a variety of subjects related to publishing. The workshops are designed to give participants technical information and hands-on experience which they can they apply to their individual projects.

Topics Include:
Bookbinding (Basic and Advanced)
Design & Publishing Software (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop)
Comic, Zine, Chapbook and Web publishing
Copyright Law, Editing & Revision, and Distribution & Promotion Seminars
Letterpress Printing, Printmaking Basics, and Gocco Printing

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