sort of been in some torpor lately, but have plans for 3D work. i recently got a bunch of alginate, the material that is used to take dental impressions, and am gonna start casting with it soon. i did some faces the other night just as an experiment that turned out sort of shabby but not as complete crap. i only had plaster of paris to use as the positive and it ranks pretty low on reliability and strength. i just need to do a bit of digging and research on a compound and i will be on my way to dental impressions and dildos. there are more plans than that, but this is all that is really necessary to note for now. i guess 3D art has never really been my bag. i have mostly explored what can fit on a sheet or wall as a flat image. drawing, photography, screen printing etc. not that i find 3D art to be loathsome or irritating in any way. i mean, not more so than any other dimension. most art as soon as it is intended to be art is pretty annoying. anyway, i am looking forward to exploring some new forms and possibly dislodging something useful.
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