Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pat Oleszko

Pat Oleszko does performance art based with costumes and props that she creates. Some inspirations she draws from are burlesque house, parades and magazines such as Sesame Street, Ms. and Playboy. She includes satire and play on words into her work. Some of these pieces are made for her to wear, some include other people and some just stand alone. Her costumes and props are very whimsical, something you’d maybe see in a fairy tale except more perverse. She does use body part extension, many of her costumes or pieces include multiple feet and/or multiple arms.

Her work is very visually appealing, bright colors and large props. I really like the captions that are attached to the pictures of her work, they are quite clever and satire is one of my favorite forms of humor. There are also clips of performances on her website.




Media Trixie and her Sole-Sistah Wendy Wear-With-All. The New York Times asked a few artist to interpret the Spring Collections. I was a shoe-in candidate. Given the opportunity, I brought fashion -- to its knees


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