Sunday, February 28, 2010

jan Dibbets

One of Dibbets' most notable pieces was his "6 hours tide project," where he re-created a film he had made in 1969 titled "‘Land Art’. I Fernsehausstellung I." In the first film, Dibbets is shown drawing a trapezoid in the sand with a shovel (from the camera angle it looks like a square), and than he waits for it to disappear as the tide rises. In "6 hours tide" he directs a tractor to draw the trapezoid in the sand, and as the tide rises, the water flows through the tracks that were created, and slowly dissolves the square. I wasn't really able to connect with this specific piece. I watched the Youtube videos (posted below) and still wasn't able to totally understand his point. it was sort of cool how the water reacted to the tracks that were made in the sand, but overall the piece didn't move me much. I think nature in its self has a little more to offer than land art like this.

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