Monday, March 8, 2010

Pedestrian Web

Here are the photos I took of my project, 5min before class! I was originally going to wait until the critique to take my pictures, but I'm glad I didn't.
I'm probably repeating myself, but I wasn't mad that it was ripped down (I expected someone would sooner or later). I just didn't expect it to only last 15min.

It is interesting how worked up some people will get over something they don't understand, is different from the norm, or interferes with their routine. It's also disheartening that someone would cut it down and throw it away especially after noticing that some effort went into making it and hanging it up. Personally I wouldn't destroy someone else's work. Now if it had been there for hours or even days I could see tearing it down. The entire project was definitely a learning experience.

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